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LXC is a wonderful technique and I use it for multiple reasons. One, they’re lightweight. Two, they’re as easy as virtual machines, maybe even easier.

BUT, I found out that the Proxmox VE implementation of LXC containers has an annoying bug. Let’s see what I mean…

See above: no connection to or even the gateway!

A quick look is to check with the following command, on Debian it is: ip addr

The adapter is confirmed down. So no issue with DNS.

Let’s fix this. Head on over to the network page from your container; edit your adapter. Mine is net0.

network01.jpg CTRL + A, or whatever you Apple users use, and delete the current MAC address.

network02.jpg Click OK. What will happen is that the adapter will reinitialize and give you a new MAC address. You will also notice that you have a network connection again, weird…

itjustworks.jpeg And tada, it works again! Running the ip addr again gives a new status UP. So this is my hotfix for suddenly not having an connection with your LXC container. I have this issue sometimes when rebooting the entire node or even when I reboot the LXC container itself.